Jason on Little Joe.

Big Sky Country.

My Mom.

My older brother Matt and his wife Jamie run a cattle drive (think "City Slickers") on their place, and I am the photographer. We have an amazing time each year, living life the 'old west way,' riding all day, cooking over the campfire at night, and sleeping in tents under an amazing Montana sky.
www.russellcountryridgeriders.com (for more info and pictures) and watch for an article in 'Cowboys and Indians' magazine.

Matt and Jamie on the '04 cattle drive.
My home town, Winifred, is in Central Montana. The town has about 150 wonderful residents. It's where the pavement ends and the fun begins! I always love to go home. 
Eric and his horse 'Red Dog'.

My Dad, moving cows in the spring.
My wonderful family: Jason, Matt, John, Diane,
Eric, and I.
My parents run a cattle
ranch and guest business
in central montana.
"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
-George Moore